Lets talk cauliflower

Now, myself and my daughter don’t really love potatoes. We do however, love cauliflower. Here are two easy ways to make cauliflower into starch like lunch or dinner sides. There are lots of recipes for this out there, but I have been doing it this way for a long time and still love it every time I make it…which is way to often if you as the hubby.

Whipped Cauliflower


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • ½ lb of butter (yes that is the right amount, sometimes I use more)

Cut your cauliflower into medium sized chunks. Use all the white bits. Steam your cauliflower in a steamer on the stove until it is very fork tender. Save the water (freeze it) and use a stock base for bone broth or soups. Dump it all in a food processor or a good blender(Blendtec or Vitamix). Add the butter in chunks. Puree until it is fluffy. If you cannot get it fluffy, you don’t have enough butter. You could add milk but since we are milk free, not an option. Add some Himalayan salt and call it a day! YUM!

 Riced Cauliflower


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 2-4 T butter
  • Opt: cilantro

Cut cauliflower into small chunks using all the white bits. Put the raw cauliflower into a food processor and pulse until it becomes crumbly, not a puree. You may need to do two small batches instead of one. In a hot fry pan, melt butter and add the cauliflower. Cook until translucent…depending on how much you have, about 10 minutes. Add chopped cilantro for the last few minutes if you want to. Add Himalayan salt to taste.

Hamburger Soup

Here is an easy recipe that lends itself for the most part to the bulletproof diet. You can tweak it as your family wants but here is how I have made it for quite a while. It freezes well and is great for lunches when you don’t have leftovers.

Hamburger soup


  • 1 lb carrots, grated
  • 2 leeks, whites only, finely chopped
  • 2 zucchinis, made into ribbons with a peeler
  • 1 large can of tomatoes, pureed
  • handful of fresh basil pureed into tomatoes
  • 1 sm bunch celery, chopped
  • 2 lbs of grass fed ground beef, brought to room temp
  • 2 cups of beef bone broth
  • water to cover
  • 2 bay leaves

Make sure ground beef is at room temp. Takes about an hour on the counter. In a large stock pot, dry sauté on medium heat, carrots, leeks and celery until soft(5-10 minutes). Puree together the canned tomatoes and basil, add to pot. Add bone broth, bay leaves, zucchini ribbons and ground beef. If needed use some extra water to just cover. Keep at medium heat and bring simmer until meat is done. About 20 minutes. If you want some extra fat into in add some MCT oil or grass fed butter (you should be fine if you are using grass fed, regular ground beef…NOT LEAN!). Add salt at the end to taste.

I’ll add in a photo when I make the soup this weekend!
As promised…the photo. (minus the celery added kale, zucchini ribbons are hiding under)
